Spontaneous Song of Experiences

ven. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche.


In the essence of realization of the buddhas, the lords of

the three times.

The natural state of the Dharma of the definitive


There are no divisions as to buddhas and sentient



Sugatagarbha is present in everyone.

Reflecting on this innate state, I feel great joy !

All beings are fooled by the thought of ego-clinging.

Reflecting on this delusion, I feel deep despair !

The lord guru pointed out the natural face of awareness.

Reflecting on this liberation, I am filled with

amazement !


This is not far away; it is right with you.

It is not difficult; it is so simple.

What a great loss not to recognize

The fact that your present ordinary mind

It the self-existing Buddha !


Your naked empty awareness.

Is covered by the peels of meandering indecision.

Your natural face is veiled

By the grip of the meditator and his object.

Now is time to gain direct experience !

The sign of experience is your nature turning gentle.

To the ones above, faith and devotion grow forth


To the ones bleow, love and compassion naturally surge.

The ocean of understanding and experience overflows.


Vital it is to practice the view, meditation and action

Condensed into a single key point.


Once you seize the stronghold of your innate mind

You have captured the illustrious kingdom of


With no need to hope for a future result,

Disciples, aren't you filled with joy !


This inexpressible nature, self-existing wakefulness,

Is claimed to be understood by almost everyone. 

But rare it is that someone is free from mental fabrication !


You may have the drive of wishing to meditate,

But unless you give rise to experience from your heart,

Halfway understanding will fail to liberate you.

What certainty is there without realizing the true nature !


Resolve the view definitively !

Refine the practice repeatedly !


By the singular kindness of my gracious father root

guru, I felt that my being was slightly liberated through

learning, reflection and meditation on the definitive

meaning, and so, in the presence of the Mahabodhi

Stupa at Vajra Seat, the eminent site where our teacher

reached true and perfect enlightenment, I, Dharma

Surya, offered this earnest wish in order to remind

myself and inspire other people in the year of 1990.

May this be a cause for fulfilling it s intended purpose !


At the command of our precious teacher, this attempt at a translation was freely made by Erik Pema Kunsang, Nagi Gompa.

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