Vol 3. No. 1 & 2 Combined Issue 1990-91

Table of Contents

  1. Life of Paltrul Rinpoche (1808-1887)
    By Ven. Konchok Tendzin

  2. Advice for Abushri by Paltrul Rinpoche
    Trans. by Constance Wilkinson

  3. Nine Similies of Buddha Nature
    By Ven. Thrangu Rinpoche

  4. Spontaneous Songs of Experience 
    By Ven. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche

  5. Buddhist Economics
    By Dr. Leonardo Chapela

  6. Principle of Pure Land
    By Dr. Hsiang Chou Yo

  7. The Thirty Two Marks and Eighty Exemplifications of the Sambhogakaya
    By Geshe Jampa Gyatsho

  8. A Brief Historical Background of Religious Institutions of Bhutan
    By Dasho Rigdzin Dorje

  9. Iconography of Amoghpasa Lokeshvara
    By Min Bahadur Shakya

  10. Arya Amoghpasa Hrdaya Sutra
    (Sanskrit Manuscript)


Cover: Amoghpash Lokeshvara














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